Monday, December 31, 2007

True or just a Face?

Truth is the most important thing in any human relations, but it is the one thing lacking in this world.

Only because we cant see the truth in people and also transactions that anything ever goes wrong.

The worst bit is that sometimes, the truth does not even ever gonna reveal.

Millions of words and news goes around the world everyday, even every minute.

Each time someone speaks, there is a point, there is definately an effect, may be good or bad, may be kept in thoughts, may be forgotten.

Through words people expresses things, whether it be the truth or just a face.

Some people, the ones considered the best, says the truth and face the consequences, which are about to extinct in this complicated world.

Some people, just puts a face, where they definately do not mean it. This might be the good or the bad.

The good puts a face to avoid upsetting the people they love.

The bad puts a face to gain all the support they can, might say the worse things without knowing that it might ever get anywhere so deep in others.

This has a longer story behind, put yourself in a shoe where you constantly discovers betrayals, when it is heard, it hurts, its remembered, but sometimes maybe its not the best thing to bring it up.

why not? because of long term effects, sometimes even because that is all the person has left.

As you grow up, you are thought to move on, time will heal. Always true that it will be forgotten, whether it will heal, is a complete different formula, unknown formula of course.

Living in the world full of fakes, miserable, lies and definately not gonna get anywhere.

This new year, I pray that everyone will be happy and only true smiles and words should be seen or heard.

Happy New Years everyone! =)